Initial Session

All new clients begin at Further with a thorough 75-minute evaluation and treatment session. This evaluation allows for assessment of your joints, muscles, ligaments, biomechanics, nervous system, and functional movement patterns.

Education in the findings of this evaluation is key to understanding your physical concerns and to allow you to continue to address them independently.

We implement treatments based on your goals and preferences. It may include any number of advanced soft tissue techniques, joint mobilizations, myofascial and dry needle techniques and neuromuscular re-education. Elements of breath control, mindfulness and body awareness are seamlessly incorporated.

Our goal is to give you a solid understanding of the physical underpinnings of your concerns, provide effective treatment to address them, and practical strategies and tools to continue to improve.

Follow Up Sessions

You may or may not need follow up sessions. Our goal is to provide you with any needed manual intervention and equip you with the knowledge and tools to get you on a course of improvement! Follow up sessions are always at your discretion and are 60 minutes.